The range of services we offer at GWA are tailored to help homeowners at any stage of their journey, whether embarking on a new build, a renovation or a simple revamp. Our traditional Architectural Service sees clients through the entire process from concept design to construction, while our interior and exterior services provide detailed design concepts. Our engaging, informative virtual services include a One-Hour Consultation on any aspect of the design process you choose and a comprehensive, self-paced Kitchen Masterclass. Our popular Layout Review Service is a low-cost process where we work with clients around the world to provide them with effective, efficient floor plans. This last developed as a response to the needs of our growing global online audience, who particularly engage with the videos on our Instagram and YouTube channels.
Wherever you are on your journey, I invite you to explore the projects and services on our website, watch some of our videos and get in touch. I look forward to sharing my passion and expertise with you.
Registered Architect 9257 B Ap Sc (Arch)(UC), M Arch(UC
Associate and Architect
BArchEnv (SYD) MArch (SYD)
Graduate of Architecture
BDesArch (SYD) MArch (SYD)
Architectural Designer